Reportage: Piton charpentier and the eggs of the Reunion Island day gecko. Antenne Réunion
Reportage: The Eden Forest, the Reunion Island day gecko and the Reunion harrier. Outremer. le mag
Conference: Conservation breeding: when the Manapany day gecko resists. Festival Pint of Science Saint-Pierre
Newspaper: The Dioré sensitive natural area: between multicolored forest and panoramic views. Outre-Mer Grandeur Nature
Reportage: insecticide: fipronil authorization under debate. Réunion la 1ère
Reportage: invasives species in the Reunion island. Antenne Réunion
Conference: Snake in the cloud. Festival Pint of Science Toulouse
Radio: the intelligence of reptiles. Emission "Le Nid de Pie" for Campus FM toulouse
Conference: Snake in the cloud. Top Chrono pour ma thèse - Nuit européenne des chercheur.e.s - Toulouse
Short movie: The Guardian of the moutian. By Joachim Bouyjou & Maud Calvet for ECTOPYR project. For the audio in Spanish version or for the English/French/Spanish subtitles, please contact me.
Video clip: Share Your Science, the Ecophysiology with Jérémie Souchet. By Aurélien Prudor, during the 13th Ecology and Behaviour meeting in Chizé.
Radio: Global warming and biodiversity. With Audrey Trochet for the radio emission "De la puce à l'oreille" for the Ariège Naturalists Association
Conference: Impacts of global warming on the fauna of the Pyrenees. With Audrey Trochet for the Ariège Naturalists Association in part of the ANA's Wednesdays, Foix
Newspaper: Moulis tests the reptiles in altitude. La Dépêche du Midi
Reportage: Colubers and vipers, snakes of our regions - Snakes tracking. As part of "Les Deux-Sèvres, an unknown animal land" on the program "Animals of the 8". Channel D8 Canal + (2014)
Newspaper: Jeremie, the student who wants to know where the fear of snakes comes from. La Gazette Ariègeoise
Contact : jeremie.souchet [at] gmail.com
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